
  • 15 Stresses In The Aquarium & Pond

    15 Stresses In The Aquarium & Pond

    Stress is a condition in which an animal is unable to maintain a normal physiologic state because of various factors adversely affecting its well-being. It’s caused by placing a fish in a situation which is beyond its normal level of tolerance. Any aquarium or pond condition that is not good for the inhabitants may cause…

  • Stress: Its Role In Fish Diseases

    Stress: Its Role In Fish Diseases

    What causes stress? Stress is a condition in which an animal is unable to maintain a normal physiologic state because of various factors adversely affecting its well-being. Stress is caused by placing a fish in a situation which is beyond its normal level of tolerance. Specific examples of things which can cause stress (stressors) are…

  • Filtration


    Introduction Providing a healthy environment is a crucial responsibility for all fishkeepers. Successfully maintaining aquatic animals in the home aquarium is dependent on the proper installation and maintenance of a COMPLETE water filtration system. Further, the size and the capability of the filtration system must be appropriate both for the aquarium gallonage and the number…

  • The Nitrification Cycle

    The Nitrification Cycle

    The nitrification cycle is the process that transforms new biological filter beds into a biologically established filter, allowing your aquarium to convert harmful ammonia causing waste products into less harmful nitrogen (nitrates) gas: Initially the aquarium should be lightly populated with relatively inexpensive, hardy fish. We do not recommend using feeder goldfish. Scavengers, algae eaters…

  • Why Treatments Fail

    Why Treatments Fail

    There most assuredly is going to come a time in the life of every hobbyist when their fish get sick and treatment becomes the only solution for saving them. Sometimes, even after the most careful approach, the success rate is dismal. You would be understandably upset if this occurs, and would like to know the…

  • Eliminating Fish Disease

    Eliminating Fish Disease

    Occasionally we hear people comment, with some pride, that their incidences of fish diseases are usually low. Although their intent is commendable, their true goal should be NO diseases at all! Is this be realistic? You bet it is. Accomplished fish keepers do it all the time. But before looking at how to maintain healthy…

  • The Kingsnake

    The Kingsnake

    Your brain is like a short attention span theater and already your fire for lizards and amphibians has burnt itself out; however, snakes are a new, exciting horizon yet to be explored! The question is – will you boldly go where other beginners have gone before and fail, or will you plunge successfully into the…

  • Leopard Geckos

    Leopard Geckos

    Yes, it’s that time of year again, and it grows colder and darker by the day, trapping you and your children inside. The question is, are you bored yet? Well if you are, and not already a reptile hobbyist, The Aquatic Critter’s reptile department has a suggestion that will make your dull, bleak winter months…

  • Bromeliads For The Terrarium

    Bromeliads For The Terrarium

    Frog and Lizard enthusiasts will be thrilled to learn we have secured a wide selection of beautiful and sturdy Bromeliads for the terrarium. These beautiful South American plants are great for the beginner and the expert alike. Certain frogs all but require them for breeding, and many other species simply seem to enjoy them. The…

  • So… You Want To Buy A Reptile

    So… You Want To Buy A Reptile

    We see customers every day wanting to try out reptile ownership for the first time. The majority of these individuals initially look for the least expensive lizard or snake, to see “if everything will work out” first. This is a major mistake as less expensive reptiles may not be the best first time choices. Anoles,…